To help them rise to this challenge successfully, CEOs of firms across the board have turned to us to provide them with concrete, pragmatic support.
Here are just some of their testimonials.
CEO Naval Energies and former CEO Saphymo
«Just as we can no longer conceive of an efficient automobile without driving aids and GPS, I find it hard to imagine running a business without introducing the concept of a SteerVision-Center. For me, it’s the basic tool required to implement the strategy as defined, appreciate its pitfalls before we start sinking and gain in serenity in terms of ability to anticipate events, allowing the director to focus his energy on building the future rather than wearing himself out plugging leaks which have been discovered too late. Furthermore, this concept forces the director to confront his role as a manager, as the captain of at team which must be effective and united if it wants to score points and win matches, the managerial faults of the management team (including the director’s team) being inevitably revealed by implementation. This implementation is at least as necessary as the result itself. »
Olivier RIGAUD
Managing Director
«The implementation of the Steervision concept at Naturex had a significant impact on the execution and delivery of our strategic plan, and on the commitment of the whole management team to the business plan.
It also allowed us to rally all our managers by aligning action plans with the priorities defined in the Steervision-Center.
The approach has the advantage of being both simple and extremely thorough, bringing a great deal of rigor to execution monitoring and quality.
Today, it forms an integral part of our managerial governance».
Respectively CEO France
«The SteerVision-Center is a dynamic strategic tool, focusing energies on strategy execution and enforcing discipline when it comes to implementation. It also provides the management team with a perspective on their action and the results as regards their short or medium-term plan. Finally, it is a visual and holistic tool that gives everyone a clear understanding of the overall issues facing the business. In this respect, it is also a tool contributing to collaboration between teams. Definitely worth trying out.»
BCM (Banque Centrale de Mauritanie)
Abdel Aziz DAHI
«The introduction of the Steervision concept at BCM allowed us to create a group dynamic (within the management team), breaking up the previous silo-based structure and establishing an effective structure based on collective intelligence».
Jean Scheftsik de SZOLNOK
Senior VP Global Region USA-JAPON
«The concept has enabled us to unite the management committee around clear objectives and means of measurement. It is an excellent exercise in coherence and consistency.».
Jean-Michel BOERS
President France
«More than adding another process, the SteerVision-Center created a true mind shift in the French organization. The approach drove all stakeholders to thoroughly analyze root-causes instead of jumping too quickly to conclusions. Once the analysis is performed and alignment therefore achieved, executional excellence is driven through a rigorous follow-up of the action plan. The time investment spent to run the process is therefore easily regained by more effective actions and consistent follow-up.».
President & CEO
«The KA MATE approach helped us at Morpho Detection clearly define our strategic objectives, identify key drivers to achieving them, and gave us the means and discipline to routinely track our progress. Everyone in the company understood what was important (and what wasn’t), and we were able to focus management attention on the things that needed it.»
SNIM - Mauritanie
Managing Director
«Having done the critical homework of engaging in a home-grown business strategy supplemented by a valuable support from a renowned Management Consulting group I led SNIM into a passionate journey of articulating the strategy and business plans through a collaborative design of a balanced scorecard cemented by a professional team-building process. For the latter part, SNIM benefited tremendously from the professional association with KA MATE Strategy, led by Yves Connan.»
BMCI (Banque Mauritanienne pour le Commerce International)
Moulay ABBAS
«The methods and tools that a SteerVision-Center provides have enabled us to resolve a number of issues raised :
The commitment and cohesion of our management team: every member of senior management took responsability for an aspect of strategy and the whole team is involved in decision-making. We quickly saw improvements in team cohesion and strong commitment from each senior manager to successful implementation of the strategy.
Making decisions based on the right data: establishing concrete, measurable change indicators for each strategic aspect enables us to continue monitoring the impact of current actions on production. Effectively, information on performance and any delays reaches the strategic level of the bank in good time for us to act on it.
Anticipation : we have improved the pace of decision-making. Estimating methods and projections provide us with constant visibility over the impact of decisions and current actions on our medium and long-term objectives. Over the period spent implementing our SteerVision-Center and working with the people from KA MATE Strategy, our executives learned a great deal and gained practical experience of tried and tested root-cause analysis methods, by which to determine the objective reasons for any delays and obstacles in achieving our goals. We would stress that one of the major lessons we learned from the methodology deployed for us by KA MATE Strategy was how to act effective on the autonomy and performance of our senior managers.»
Patrick SAMIER
Deputy Managing Director
«Taking charge of a new operational entity, consisting of parts which are admittedly coherent but of diverse origins and not yet integrated, is a big challenge. The first priority is to determine the priorities and rank them, to distinguish between what is urgent and what is important. This means knowing where you want to go, and therefore knowing where you are, and how you are, and how you get there, and therefore being able to measure it. Ultimately, it means knowing who does what, but not exactly that, because the main thing is understanding the interactions. Giving each person five objectives in an isolated head-to-head meeting, and monitoring them, means working on a simplistic, false model which may create an illusion for a while, so long as there is still some margin for error with respect to your objectives. But once you need to be focused, you need a team and you need to share and steer the system together.
From a previous experience, I had learnt that deploying a Strategic Steering Centre (SteerVision-Center) was a piece of the solution. I have not regretted this intuition, but anyone seeing the deployment of a SteerVision-Center as a simple methodological recipe would be very wrong. The result reflects the efforts and the seriousness applied. You start with the enthusiasm of having clarified a common vision and priorities and shared them with your whole team, but you can become discouraged when it comes to defining, deploying and filling in the right steering indicators. However, when the modelling works and the Steervision-Center is worthy of its name, then expertise is developed, the team works and communication with operational staff is easy. Action plans get implemented .
A “democratic” tool when in use, the SteerVision-Center calls for conviction and authority on the manager’s part to be set up. This is a paradox which we need to be aware of. A tool for controlling complexity, the SteerVision-Center is rejected by those who believe that a 10-line income statement constitutes the company’s steering tool on its own.»
SIAE (Salon du Bourget, filiale du GIFAS)
Managing Director
«The Salon du Bourget (the 49th in 2011) was seen by everyone as a great success. A historic and undeniable commercial success for our customers, this edition was marked by considerable progress in terms of organisation. Your company and your employees have sometimes been severely tested, but they have fully met the challenge we laid down. I count on you to pass on our sincerest thanks and express our complete satisfaction to them. What would be the show have been without your help? You cannot imagine the extent to which the Steervision-Center is responsible for our organisational success. A big thank you for your help and your commitment alongside us over all these months.»
Jean-Philippe BAINIER
COO Nuclear Production
«Discipline in the execution of the strategy is for me the key point for improving the performance of your process under all circumstances. We get a lot of requests from firms to draw up this strategy, but to equip yourself with appropriate steering systems for conducting strategic action is much rarer and therefore precious. The key things are the alignment of the management team and the development of its ability to anticipate to guarantee performance over time. The rituals and rhythms contained in the steering centre concept are decisive in reinforcing these two points. Our experience in guaranteeing the production of EDF’s nuclear power plants over the last two years (note: since 2014) is, from this point of view, particularly conclusive both in terms of results and also in terms of maturity of the players involved.».