Our tailormade concept answers the CEOs and his management team challenges in order to guarantee the strategic objectives including short and mid-term objectives and, in the same time, improves the behaviors of the management teams by a collaborative way of working and deciding together.
We named the concept :
From our point of view the performance of a Company is closely linked to its capacity to truly EXECUTE its strategy and we think that Strategy Execution has to be managed as a change program within the organization.
Based on our experience on change implementation within General Electric, enriched by a high level facilitation expertise for Management Teams, we developed a new concept which leads to a genuine change in the behaviors of Management Teams by strengthening the CEO’s Leadership on 2 processes :
As facilitators, our actions concern both the formal AND informal aspect of the players involved in these two processes and by implementing our SteerVision Centers (strategic steering rooms) we build the information infrastructure helping your Management Teams in the taking of strategic decisions.
We facilitate the working sessions to steer the decision making processes and to steer the implementation of these decisions.